Monday, February 18, 2013

For there is no friend like a sister....Especially in stormy weather.

Today, I had grand visions of writing a wonderfully informative blog, updating everyone on my day filled with braintanning and rawhide making.

But I couldn't seem to make myself write it.

Today my heart has been filled with everything but what I wanted it to.
Does your heart ever do that to you? You desperately WANT it to be set on something specific, but it insists on doing exactly what it likes.

Instead of thoughts on my day, my heart is focusing on my sister. I don't even know how to convey how much this tall blonde girl influences every facet of my life.

She is my sun, I am the Earth. Rotating around the center of my existence and looking always to her for confirmation of life continuing in the way that it should.

I hurt so much for those girls who search their whole lives for that one BEST friend. The one they can count on, believe in, love, trust, feel connected to...all the little perfections that make up a woman's greatest "friend-love" with a girlfriend. When most of the time, a sibling is standing in the background waiting for them to notice the God-given friend they never see. How could a love like that be passed over? How could a friend like that be forgotten? The deepest connection, the most wonderful friendship you could ever imagine-is that of a sister.

Lizzy had a hard day today. I had a hard night last night.
Contrary to popular belief-we are not always smiling-sometimes we are crying.
Sometimes our hearts hurt. sometimes we fight our own head.
Sometimes we just don't know what to do.

And when that happens, the other sister is right there.

Because what is hurt without love? What are tears without joy? What is pain without relief?
A sister offers this, a light in the darkness when all you need is someone to remember you are human and in need of caring and kindness. Maybe this doesn't make sense, maybe it doesn't even matter to you right at this moment....but for me today, it was right there in my heart. Pounding away. Screaming for attention. In the moments most needed, when you are in your darkest hour-or your brightest shining moment of success-a sister is there.

My big sissy is my hero because of more reasons than I can list.

But today, she was my hero-because she showed me what strength is in just one more way.

She has faced more hurt and more troubles in life than most people can dream of. And she has come through them, and is still coming through them with more grace and dignity than I can muster on a good day.

My sister Liz is my light and hope in this world. What makes me want to try harder, do better, be more and live a life that is full of just that-LIFE. As I watch her day to day, she teaches through example, the art of living life like it is your last day on earth. 

I know this was a little bit of a different post, but folks-please just take a moment. Think of that one person who has always been there for you, and appreciate the beauty of love.

It may be a friend, a mother, a sister...that one person who is there no matter what.

Love them. Remember, they will not always be there-life is fragile...and we are blessed to share a fleeting moment of love with them.



1 comment:

  1. That was very nice Adrian! I hope you girls feel better. I know exactly what you mean, sometimes no matter how hard you try you just can't get your heart to do what you want it to. I've had an amazing friend since 3rd grade. We've definitely had our moments, and we actually stopped talked for a year, but we're back and better than ever. I love my big sister more than anything, but she's so much older that it's been hard to truly be close to her. The age barrier has just made our lives so different. She's a nurse, married and has 2 wonderful little boys, and I'm still wandering around lost. I've always looked up to her, and for the first 5 years of my life or so I called her mom. But you are so right, having someone who's near and dear to your heart should never be taken for granted!


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