Sunday, June 9, 2013

The inspirational heroes…

I get people asking a lot about inspiration as it relates to my music.

A lot of the time, without skipping a beat or needing to think about it-I can with certainty respond with the fact that my life is the inspiration for my music. My experiences, the experiences of those that I am close to-and even the occasional tall-tale can bring about a song, lyric or melody in an instant.

Today however, I started thinking about the true inspiration. The base of everything. To me, my inspiration all starts with someone other than me.
It is Liz. My sister.

Watching her go through things in life that would have put a lesser woman down, is to say the least-inspiring. Understanding the heartache and trials that she has had to overcome, and seeing her come out the other side with such beauty and grace is incredible.

When a day seems to be a little bit more than I think I can handle, when life throws a speed bump and I trip up-I look to her for strength and I never fail to find it. She is always there offering a helping and forever loving hand, and I never even need to ask for it.

There is a reason we have heroes in life, to me-they are there to constantly remind us to do better and be better. To push us farther, to smile more. To believe in beauty. To create beauty and embody strength for others. To encourage. To offer the strength we need from someone else when we cannot find it within ourselves.

I have an inspirational hero, she is all these things and more. She is the thing that keeps me going everyday, that keeps me creating, that keeps me singing, that keeps me smiling.

And she catches me when I fall.

Who is your hero?



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