Friday, August 30, 2013

Miley's music, raising kids and a little reality...

Hello everyone!

The last week has seemed to be filled completely with the news flashing video clips of a young girl in an outfit that quite honestly I wouldn't have thought would be appropriate to show on screen-let alone the moves she was showing off....I have gotten a lot of messages and emails asking me what my thoughts are on the whole "blow-up", so I thought I'd make it easy and simply share them here.

I find it so interesting that this seems to be the main concern to our world at the moment honestly. With the US on the tipping point of possibly going to war yet again, War Ships at the ready and troops poised to be sent into Syria-we worry about our art.

Why? Why are we concerned with what a pop artist is grinding on stage to at some awards show that none of us really understand the point of anyway?

Because it matters. I hate to admit it, but it does. Art and entertainment matter. They are the bases of so much. Art leads people, art inspires and influences us as why feed our souls with things that wont make them more beautiful? Why feed them with dirty beauty?
People respond to music, paintings and sculptures and any number of art forms in noticeable ways because it makes you FEEL so very deeply. Singers and performers travel to war zones to offer comfort and hope to the troops because art makes such an incredible effect on people....if the type of art we are projecting as artists is a kind that doesn't exactly reflect class-then we are feeding those listening or watching an unhealthy does of only a small taste of who and what we could be.

I personally find it really sad that this latest young artist involved in the "scandalous" news slot felt the need to act this way just to feel noticed-appreciated or whatever her true motive was.

I really and truly believe that it starts with the parents...I think about being in a situation like that-and realize that besides my own beliefs, something like that wouldn't even be an option because of the start my mum and dad gave me. My sister and I were raised by a very brave and intelligent man, and the strongest most amazing woman I have ever known. They taught us to not only have confidence in ourselves, but to not ask for others approval to feel like we are a success. To have honor and class when presenting ourselves, and to (even though I have a mouth like a sailor sometimes!) act like a lady no matter what. This foundation makes wearing a flesh colored bikini and grinding some guy on stage not an option. Because of respect. We were taught to respect ourselves.

I hope the young artist is able to appreciate herself and respect herself in the future enough to provide a role model for those young folks looking up to her and her craft someday. To understand that she has talent and charisma and a gift to share with the world, and to share it wisely. That she can be seen and admired and appreciated-not for taking her clothes off-but for being classy enough to leave them on and let her music speak for itself.

Now that this is out of the way I'm going to keep worrying about Syria, our troops and what another war will mean for the US and leave the pop world to the masses.

Maybe I'll write a cowboy song about it, but I'll be wearing jeans when I do.

What are your thoughts everyone?

Sure cowboy music isn't that glamourous...but I would rather have the chance to have 
this with these kids...

Than all the fame, money and teddy-bear leotards in the world. (Can we please get her some pants?!)



1 comment:

  1. Ask Ursula to hook her up with some pants from Ranch Royalty!!! Yes there are too many important things to worry about than Miley in our world today! The guys that are coming back from war and the ones who may have to go to war and lots of unrest in the air!! Go ahead and write that song too :)

    <3 Jenn


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