Saturday, September 7, 2013

Highlands, bothy's and backpacks that are too dang big....

I remember a little of everywhere my family has lived.

The places are many and varied, but my one of my very favorites was and still is without a doubt Scotland.

I miss it everyday. I was only 4 when we headed overseas to live, and that time period for a kid growing up in a certain place shapes how we think, act and what we love in a huge way.

A few days ago my mum found all the boxes containing pictures from one summer where our family backpacked through the Caringorms....Lets just say a VERY rainy summer! I shared a shot of the three of us girls soaking wet and grinning from ear to ear in our rain gear, and got a lot of requests for more photos from the trip. Thank heavens my momma is such a "shutter-bug", she chronicled every bothy stay, every tall mountain climb and every smile waiting at the top that we get to cherish for a lifetime.

It still is to this day one of my favorite memories.and I can't wait hopefully go back one day soon to recreate the trip with my sis....



1 comment:

  1. What a neat trip, and even though you were just little what a fantastic experience! That really would be amazing for you girls to get to go back..


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