Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I hope....

I hope in this New Year that you LOOK.

I hope that in 2014 you take time to stop and literally smell the roses, or sagebrush...whatever you have on-hand.

I hope that in this New Year, you take the chances you didn't last year. Say the things you never said and dream bigger than you thought you should.

I hope the past year and all it's triumphs and sufferings, it's good times and bad-remind you that no matter how hard it has have made it.

I hope you take advantage of the things you wished you had last year.

I hope you smile more, work harder and inspire other to do the same.

I hope you make the most wildly unattainable goals and then MAKE them.

You have made it another year, this clean slate you are given however-isn't something new. Every morning that you wake up, you have the ability to make it be "The best yet". We are given mornings as blank slates. Something beautiful and new that is ready to be taken with both hands and run away with as fast as we can.

New beginnings can happen everyday, we just have to look for them.

Someone asked me to write out my New Years resolutions for them for this year, and I'm sorry to say-I'm just not! I wake up every morning with a million dreams and resolutions, and today is simply a bigger and beautiful version of everyday for me. I brought in the New Year with those that I love the most, surrounding me with love and excitement, and was safe.That is the biggest blessing and most wonderful thing I can imagine being given to start off this New Year of 2014 with.

My amazing fans, friends and family have made this year so beautiful in so many ways. 
Thank-you to all of you who listen to my music, you are amazing!

I'm taking the blessing of this brand New Year and running with it....see you down the road! 

Happy Happy New Year everyone! 




  1. So beautifully said dear sweet Adrian! Thank you.

  2. So beautifully said dear sweet Adrian! Thank you.

  3. Beautiful! See you down the road ;)

  4. You are simply amazing and this was so inspiring to me!! Love you puffin butt! Happy New Year! <3


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