Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Updates & outtakes!

Hey everyone!

So I have done a wonderful job the last little while of NOT keeping up on the blog or updates on the Facebook Page...but life has been just a LITTLe insane. Have any of you guys tried to move lately? Or move THREE households? Into one? Thank heavens I wasn't moving overseas this time because I have a feeling partway through I would have chucked everything and taken my Blue duck horse and just left! The sheer amount of guitars and musical things (not to mention the books) that I moved is a little silly. Just a little. OK. Anyway. Moving on.

Heres a little catch-up on what I've been up to lately and whats coming up in the near future!

Slightly spoiled at the moment with some gorgeous weather and good books...

Had a wonderful time at the 50's car show and funny enough won the best dressed award! 

New artwork and originals I've been working on...
Lizzy isn't amused by taking pictures on the road...

The totally neat bar and pretend "cathouse" I sang at in Fresno....

The one, the only...Mr. Ron Toste & I :)
My first time playing on a bar...
Playing in the cathouse...thats a new experience! 

Passing on the love of cowboy music is one of the best parts of my job...
Hiking up the California mountains with Liz for her 26th birthday...

Learning how to rock climb... 
Ventura Patagonia movie showing..

So excited about the Parkfield Artisans Round-Up show coming up 
on the 19th of October! 



1 comment:

  1. Moving, while exciting and refreshing, is one of the hardest things to do! The joy of rediscovering your favorite "things" while you pack is balanced out by the creeping desire to just chuck it all and consolidate into a bedroll and a backpack. We just moved (again) last week and are pretty happy to be settling in. Hope it all is going well for you!

    - Jessy & Chris


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