Thursday, November 28, 2013

A day to give thanks....

Well everyone, it is coming to the end of a beautiful Thanksgiving day.
I've been stuffed with more food than a small country could eat, had a roaring fire going in a warm and cozy house, and blessed to be surrounded by my family.

It's funny though isn't it? The day after we are supposedly giving the most thanks for the things we are blessed to already have, the modern human race stands in line for hours and hours in artificially lit stores waiting to buy things we don't need for things we don't deserve.

I find myself staring around me in disbelief.

Across the world, our military men and women are continuing their jobs defending us, our country, and our rights without the comforts we so take for granted.

Across the world there were bombings, attacks, sickness, hurt and pain. There was hunger, family's missing loved ones, and those without a home-a roof over their head and a bed to sleep in tonight.

I know that we all have our difficulties, our stories, our tragedies and our hurt.

But for the most part-the majority of folks I know spent today in relative comfort.

Tonight, before you go to sleep-whether you're planning on braving the terrifying (to me at least) crowds and crazy people in the morning or not-take a moment.

Stop, appreciate.

Count your blessings, literally-I promise you'll be amazed at how many you have.

Love and hugs to all of you, and a very Happy Thanksgiving!



1 comment:

  1. I love you puffin!!! I am so thankful I have the best little sister in THE WHOLE WORLD!!! :)


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