So I had bad news. Awful news really, and I can't believe I am having to write them down.
About a week ago, last Saturday - I got into a wee bit of a horse wreck with my good pony Blue Duck.
I landed on my back and my big head (amazing how you can do both at once so easily) and re-cracked my tailbone, cracked some ribs and did number 2984246 concussion on my least that is what it feels like.
Because it's been taking so long for me to re-coup and I'm still having symptoms, the docs are recommending that I don't travel and take it easy. Which is how I translate them saying "Adrian, rest in a dark room and don't work or even read".
Which means that I am so sad and disappointed to announce I will not be able to attend this years WRCA World Championship Ranch Rodeo in Amarillo TX.
I hate hate hate having to do this, and I cannot believe I will be missing my favorite event of the whole year. This is something that I look forward to all year long, so y'all will have to have EXTRA fun for me....and make sure you send lots of pictures!
In the meantime, I will be practicing the art of resting. And watching the whole 9 seasons of "How I Met Your Mother." And probably eating. And maybe crying a little.
Just joking, maybe.
Come on I'm a girl, I get to be emotional sometimes right?
Again, I am so sorry to everyone for being unable to attend, I will miss you all terribly.
Good luck to all the amazing teams competing this year!
You handsome Traitor Blue Duck.. (Ok so his back IS hurt but still)
ER rule-breaker. Also, high on meds.
Mothers are the best. Thanks for everything Momma Bear.
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